Szociális lakások – megoldás a lakhatási válságra

A magyar nyelvű változat az első oldalon olvasható.
Versiunea în limba română se află pe pagina a doua.

Blocul pentru Locuire (BPL)/The Block for Housing (a federation of activist groups in Romania, composed by Căși sociale ACUM / Social housing NOW, Frontul Comun pentru Dreptul la Locuire, Dreptul la Oraș, E-Romnja, RomaJust – Asociația Juriștilor Romi,Asociația Chiriașilor Cluj ), together with members of the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and Right to the City from Greece, France, Ireland, Portugal, Serbia and Hungary – invites you to attend the public events in Cluj on 29-30th of March 2019, to claim public housing as the solution for housing crisis.

We notice: because housing is almost entirely accessible only through the market and most of the dwellings are built to be sold or rented, the commodity function of housing and its role played in capital accumulation overwhelms its social function.
We advocate for a just and anti-racist housing politics that responds to peoples’ needs, and does not serve the interests of real estate and financial corporations that use housing as a source of profit.

Book these two days for actions in Cluj, by which we also join the protest of the „#Mietenwahnsinn” alliance in Berlin and other German cities as well as actions across Europe run between 27 March – 6 April 2019: for non-profit dwellings, against mad rents and against evictions. This is a common fight to remove housing from the logic of exploitation!

We start the action „Solidarity with Berlin – European Manifesto for Public Housing” from CEC on Cuza Vodă street
18.00-20.00 (Casa Tranzit, main hall)
Discussion „Public Housing in Europe” – Meeting with the European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and Right to the City

17.00-19.00 (Tranzit House, 1st floor/studio)
Forum „Block For Housing: the housing crisis in Romania”
– Launching the Report on evictions from dwellings
– BPL position on the legislative initiative on informal settlements
– Appeal to candidates for the European Parliament elections
– Presentation of newspaper Cărămida # 6 and # 7

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