Szomszédolunk – Kelet-európai baloldali médiák találkozója

A magyar változat az első oldalon található.

Neighbouring – East European Left Media Meeting

On Thurday, 5th November at Gólya, Budapest you may attend panel discussions at a meeting of various Eastern-European, leftist media, among them us represented by Juhász-Boylan Kincső. With the support of Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Mérce invited editorial boards to Budapest from Eastern European countries. We share the conviction that the lack of a solidaristic public sphere contributes to the vulnerability of our societies and we share the mission to change this.

Together with our guests representing platforms from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia, we will discuss the significance and obstacles of regional solidarity, the relationship between Leftist media and Left politics and the possible financial strategies and respective dependencies.


14:00 Introduction

14:10-15:50 Regional Perspectives in the Eastern Europen Left Media
Gagyi Ágnes (LeftEast, intetrnational)
George Jepson (Kajet, Romania)
Agnieszka Wiśniewska (Krytyka Polityczna, Poland)
Marko Kostanić (Bilten, Croatia)

moderator: Pósfai Orsolya, editor of Mérce

15:50-16:10 Coffee break

16:10-17:50 Solidaristic Media and Left Politics
Juhász András (Mašina, Serbia)
Vitalie Sprinceana (Platzforma, Moldova)
Pavel Splichál (Alarm, Czech Republic)
Denis Pilash (Commons, Ukraine)

moderator: Agnieszka Wiśniewska, editor of Krytyka Polityczna from Poland

17:50-18:10 Coffee break

18:10-20:00 Financing: Strategies and Dependencies
Tomaš Hucko (Kapitál, Slovakia)
Juhász-Boylan Kincső (A szem, Romania)
Vida Knežević (Mašina, Serbia)
Pap Szilárd István (Mérce, Hungary)
Veda Popovici (Gazeta de Artă Politică, Romania)

moderator: Simon Krisztián, journalist, editor

The language of the discussions will be English, a limited number of translation systems for the audience is provided by the organizers.

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